Corpse Flower
Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc.
Location in our garden
Amorphophallus selebicus Nakai
Conophallus titanum Becc.
Herbaceous. Annual herb, up to 4 m high
Part Used
Growing Requirements
Need Shade
Amorphophallus titanum or corpse flower is a native Indonesian flora originating from tropical rain forests in Sumatra. The distribution is most abundant in the equatorial region, namely Bengkulu and Lampung. This plant is very famous because of its giant size and only grows on the island of Sumatra, so it is said to be a native endemic plant of Sumatra. This rare flora was discovered by Dr. Odoardo Beccar, a researcher from Italy in 1878. He found Amorphophallus titanum around the Anai Valley waterfall, West Sumatra. Amorphophallus titanum is used as an ornamental plant because of its unique shape and is able to attract the attention of many visitors. In addition, as research material for scientists in the world. Another benefit that can be taken from this plant is the use of its tubers as food. However, the processing takes a long time because the tubers have a sap that causes itching. The tubers are beneficial because of their glucomannan content. Glucomannan has uses as a thickening agent, fiber-rich jelly (dietary fibers) and dietary supplements (for anticholesterol, blood sugar neutralization, digestive health, absorption of toxic substances in digestion and weight control agents). It is also used in other traditional medicine.
Vernacular Names
No found data on this. Need further research.
A. titanum grows mostly at an altitude of 301-341 m above sea level, on slopes of 25-45% (steep). Latosol soil type or characterized by the presence of a fertile soil layer filled with litter on the top layer. A. titanium tends to be found at low light intensity so that the soil and the surrounding environment become moist, at an average temperature ranging from 24-25 °C with an average relative humidity ranging from 80-83%.
- Roots - bulbs are rounded slightly flattened, about 65 cm in diameter and about 40 cm high, bulbs can weigh up to 100 kg, have a slightly rough surface and many accessories such as buds, light brown in color, and have no side shoots.
- Stems - pseudo-stem that is composed of a leaf midrib that is attached to each other.
- Leaves - the petiole of an adult plant can grow up to 3 m in height. There are white circular spots on the petiole. The leaves can last for 9 to 24 months. Leaves on young plants only last 6 months. Leaf blade with a diameter of about 7 m, pinnate ellipse lanceolate, up to 40 cm long, tapered tip, when touched like skin, upper surface green, slightly shiny.
- Flowers - has a single inflorescence, short flower stalk, about 30 - 70 cm long and about 10-15 cm in diameter, motifs and colors like on the petiole. The inflorescence on the corpse flower is a group of small male and female flowers arranged in the form of grains attached to the cob. The place for the flowers to attach is at the base of the cob. The cob (spadiks) is yellow and surrounded by a purplish-red flower sheath. Spadiks height can reach 3 m so that the corpse flower is nicknamed the "Giant Flower". The flowers are monoecious, however, male and female flowers do not ripen together. Full blooms (female flowers ripen) at night and emit a carrion smell. The male flowers ripen the next day to produce yellow pollen, so they are naturally difficult to self-pollinate. When pollination of the corpse flower does not occur, the flower will wither as if it were dead. Flowers and stems rot like no trace. The corpse flower does not die, but enters a period of rest or dormancy. Then it grows into a flower phase. The unique thing about this plant is that there are two life phases, namely generative (in the form of flowers) and vegetative (in the form of leaves) which cannot be seen together in one plant. So when it is in the form of leaves it will not flower and when it comes time to flower it will not have leaves.
- Fruits - bright red or dark orange. The shape of the fruit is oval, slightly rounded, which grows in clusters with one seed.
- Seeds - ellipse-shaped reddish orange, and sometimes slightly whitish blue.
Propagation can be done by seeds and tubers. The tubers are cut lengthwise. The shoots must be included so that the tubers can germinate. Care must be taken so that the tubers do not rot due to bacterial and fungal attacks.
Chemical Constituents
Traditional Medicinal Uses
- For anticholesterol, blood sugar neutralization, digestive health, absorption of toxic substances in digestion and weight control agents.
- Treating abdominal pain, fever, swelling, and diarrhea.
Part Used
Reference Sources
- Royal Botanic Gardens. 2021. Plants of the World Online: Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc. 08-03-22.
- Nursanti, Cory Wulan, Monica Ria Felicia. 2019. Bioekologi Bunga Bangkai (Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc.) Di Desa Muara Hemat Resort Kerinci Selatan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat. Jurnal Silva Tropika Vol. 3 No. 2 Desember 2019. e-ISSN 2621-4113 p-ISSN 2615-8353. 08-03-22.
- Istiqomah Widyawati, Umroh Fudolla, Wahyu Mustika Fitri. Amorphophalus titanum Bunga Endemik Sumatra. Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sebelas Maret. 08-03-22.