
Fragaria × ananassa (Duchesne ex Weston) Duchesne ex Rozier


Location in our garden



Fragaria × bathonica Poit. & Turpin
Fragaria caroliniana Poit. & Turpin
Fragaria hybrida Duchesne


Herbaceous. Herbaceous, perennial plant, grows up to 30 cm.

Part Used

  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • Roots
  • The Whole Plant

Growing Requirements

  • Full Sunshine
  • Need Shade


  • Terrestrial


The plant species is the most commonly cultivated strawberry in the world. The species is reported as a hybrid of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis. 

Vernacular Names

Commercial strawberry, garden strawberry.


A temperate plant species which can grow in the tropics at an altitude higher than 1000 m above sea level. the plant thrives in fertile, moisture hold, but well-drained soil. The plant can grow in semi-shaded conditions but fruiting better at full light. 



  • Stems - hairy, produce stolons.
  • Leaves - rosette, green, oval.
  • Flowers - tiny, white with yellow center.
  • Fruits - drupe, red, with seed attached to the fruit surface.


  • Seeds, runner, or stolon.

Chemical Constituents

Phenolic acids, ellagic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, and anthocyanin.

Traditional Medicinal Uses

The plant species are widely used as food and fruit.

Part Used

Reference Sources

da Silva Pinto, M., de Carvalho, J.E., Lajolo, F.M., Genovese, M.I. and Shetty, K., 2010. Evaluation of antiproliferative, anti-type 2 diabetes, and antihypertension potentials of ellagitannins from strawberries (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.) using in vitro models. Journal of Medicinal Food13(5), pp.1027-1035.

Fierascu, R.C., Temocico, G., Fierascu, I., Ortan, A. and Babeanu, N.E., 2020. Fragaria genus: Chemical composition and biological activities. Molecules25(3), p.498.

Ikram, S., Abassi, U.A. and Khalid, N., 2019. Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch): phytochemicals, nutraceuticals and health benefits. A brief review. World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology4(3), pp.25-34.

Liston, A., Cronn, R. and Ashman, T.L., 2014. Fragaria: a genus with deep historical roots and ripe for evolutionary and ecological insights. American journal of botany101(10), pp.1686-1699.

Tropical Plants Database, Ken Fern. 2021-11-02. <>