Smilax leucophylla Blume
Location in our garden
Smilax dulcis Desf.
Smilax glycyphylla Hassk.
Smilax latifolia Blanco
Climbers. A stout, woody, robust climber up to 20 m long armed
Part Used
- Leaves
- Twigs
- Rhizome
Growing Requirements
- Need Shade
- Forest
Sarsaparilla is native to Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Malaya, Maluku), Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines, and Northern Australia. Young shoots, fruits and leaves are edible. Stem is usable as a substitute for rattan.
Vernacular Names
Canar bokor (Malaysia), Sarsaparillang-puti (Tagalog-Philippines), Wanabekira (Papua New Guinea).
S. leucophylla occurs in mixed forest and teak forest, in Java up to 1,100 m altitude. It grows in the medium altitude areas and tolerates with a pH 4-6,2.
- Stems - has patent or recurved prickles on the stem and branches.
- Leaves - broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, 10-32 cm × 4-22 cm, coriaceous, pruinose beneath, petiole up to 4 cm long, wings of petiolar sheaths distinct, tendrils present.
- Inflorescence with 2-6 umbels.
- Fruits - about 10 mm in diameter, grey berries, black at maturity, occurring in round clusters, each fruit having a long stalk springing from the common rounded center of the cluster.
- Seeds - a singular seed.
Propagated by seed and stem cutting.
Chemical Constituents
Saponin, terpenoids, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins.
Traditional Medicinal Uses
- Research showed antioxidant activity.
- It is recommended as an alternative, tonic and antiscorbutic.
- Considered blood purifier, antisyphylitic, and antirheumatic.
- The leaves are used by Aborigines for treating scurvy, coughs and chest complaints, including as a tea substitute.
Part Used
Reference Sources
- Bushcraftoz. (2011). Smilax glyciphylla (Sweet Sarsaparilla). 02-03-2021.
- Kew Science. (No date). Plants of The World Online: Smilax leucophylla Blume. 02-03-2021.
- Stuart Xchange. (2013). Philippine Medicinal Plants: Sarsaparillang-putiSmilax leucophylla Blume. 02-03-2021.
- Teo, S.P. (2016). Pl@nt Use. Smilax leucophylla (PROSEA). 02-03-2021.