African Milk Weed

Euphorbia trigona Mill.


Location in our garden



Euphorbia hermentiana Lem.


Shrubs. A spiny, succulent, evergreen shrub or tree, usually growing up to 1.8 m tall

Part Used

  • Latex

Growing Requirements

  • Full Sunshine


  • Forest
  • Roadside
  • Terrestrial


Come from Central Africa, Angola and Malawi. The plant is sometimes harvested from the wild for local medicinal use. It is commonly planted as a ritual plant and hedge near villages, especially in Gabon, and is widely cultivated as an ornamental, often as a pot plant.

Vernacular Names

Cactus candelabro (Spanish), Corona de la reina (Cuban), Triangular spurge (India).


Plants are not tolerant of frosts. Prefers a position in light shade. It is possibly of hybrid origin, as it is only known in cultivation and is not known to flower.


  • Stems - latex milky, branchlets 3-angled, spines 3 mm, divergent, cauducous.
  • Leaves - 2.5 mm, ovate, cauducous.
  • Flowers - Cyathia solitary or in groups, bracts paired to 3.5 x 4 mm, ovate, obtuse, dentate, glands 5 to 2.2 mm, bracteoles approximately 2.5 mm, obovate, apex fringed; stamens numerous, filaments jointed, 2.6 mm; female flowers erect, ovary about 3.7 mm across, 3-celled, style 3, ovule 1.
  • Fruits - 7 mm, 3-lobed, 3.5 mm, obovoid.


Propagated by cuttings and stem fragments.

Chemical Constituents

Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, 8-methoxyingol esters, lectins, ingol-type diterpenoids.

Traditional Medicinal Uses

  • Some drops of latex in palm wine are taken in severe cases of constipation or in case of an epileptic attack.
  • The latex contains 8-methoxyingol esters, which are very irritant to the skin. It also contains lectins with potent erythrocyte agglutinating ability.

Part Used

Reference Sources

  1. Fern, Ken. Useful Tropical Plants. (2021). Euphorbia trigona. 25-11-21
  2. Cabi. Euphorbia trigona. 25-11-21