Asian Spikemoss
Selaginella plana (Desv.) Hieron.
Location in our garden
Green House
Selaginella bellula W.Bull
Fern. Herbaceous erect shrub, up to 0.6 m height when grown in ground
Part Used
The Whole Plant
Growing Requirements
Full Sunshine
Need Shade
Malaysia. S. plana is found in Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas) and is also commonly cultivated.
Vernacular Names
Sondotnulogo (Malay)
The Plant requires high humidity and constantly moist soils. Prefers semi-shady conditions, but able to tolerate full sun if provided with lots of water. The majority of South-East Asian Selaginella species is found often near streams, beside trails and at the edge of clearings in lowland to mid-montane primary and secondary forest.
- Roots - Spreads by underground creeping rhizomes.
- Stems - procumbent, ascending from a more or less trailing base, or erect, up to 60(-120) cm long, the basal part unbranched to 45 cm, woody, the distal part pinnately compound. Pinnae ovate, pinnate (up to 3-pinnate), the branches rather irregular.
- Leaves - dimorphic, entire, distant, erect and appressed to stem; lateral leaves oblong-linear, conspicuous free auricle at base of outer side, margin entire; median leaves lanceolate, conspicuous free auricle at base of outer side, apex acuminate, margin entire. Strobili tetragonous, up to 2.3 cm long; sporophylls monomorphic, lanceolate, apex acuminate, margin broadly pellucid and denticulate.
Propagated from spores, but vegetative propagation from sections of the stem is easier and faster.
Chemical Constituents
Flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, and saponins.
Traditional Medicinal Uses
- The plant is used to staunch blood from cuts by applying finely chewed branches as a plaster below a bandage and left until bleeding has stopped and the wound healed. It has also been used as a blood-cleanser and as stomach medicine.
- In Sabah, the Murut people use S. plana against fever by bathing in a decoction.
Part Used
Reference Sources
- Flora & Fauna Web. (2021). Selaginella plana. 19-11-21
- Plant Resources of South East Asia. Selaginella plana. 19-11-21