Folded Nervilia
Nervilia plicata (Andrews) Schltr
Location in our garden
Green House
Aplostellis velutina (C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f.) Ridl.
Arethusa plicata Andrews
Cordyla discolor Blume
Orchid. A perennial orchid, growing to about 16 cm tall.
Part Used
- Leaves
- Tuber
Growing Requirements
- Need Shade
- Forest
- Terrestrial
Nervilia plicata is native to tropical & subtropical Asia to North Australia. The name Nervilia refers to prominent veins that are visible on the leaves. It has long been used in the antidiabetic medicinal preparations of traditional healers of Wayanad (India). The leaf can be observed tightly, flatly spread over the forest floor.
Vernacular Names
Nilathamara (Malayalam-India).
Nervilia plicata is usually found in forest floors of mid-elevation forests which receive good amount rain fall. It is also observed that the place where its found has good amount of leaf litter as well.
- Tubers - 1.5 x 2 cm across, subglobose, white.
- Stem - 16 cm long.
- Leaf - the leaf is heart-shaped and usually of dark purplish in colour or dark green with irregularly mottled with purplish-brown, 7 x 6 cm, sessile, cordate, orbicular, obtuse, hairy, margins wavy.
- Flower - 2-flowered; bracts 5 x 2 mm, ovate-lanceolate; sepals and petals brownish, similar, 20 x 4 mm, oblong, lanceolate, acute; lip dark violet, 18 x 10 mm, elliptic, obtuse, margin wavy.
Generative propagation is by seed, and vegetatively by culture in vitro.
Chemical Constituents
Alkaloids, flavonoids, tannin, phenol, triterpenoids, glycoside, cardiac glycosides, terpenoids, saponin, phenolic acid, lignin, and steroid.
Traditional Medicinal Uses
- It is used in Ayurveda medicine in the treatment of kidney pain and diabetes (lowering blood glucose).
Part Used
Reference Sources
- India Biodiversity. (No date). India Biodiversity Portal: Nervilia plicata (Andrews). Schltr.. 15-12-2021.
- Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. (2017). Plant of the World Online. Nervilia plicata (Andrews). Schltr..
- Kumar, E.K.D., Ramanayaka, J.G. (2010). Antidiabetic activity of alcoholic stem extract of Nervilia plicata in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced type 2 diabetic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 133(2):480-3. DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2010.10.025.
- The Orchid Society of Karnataka. (2014). Nervilia plicata. 15-12-2021.