
Phyllanthus buxifolius (Blume) Müll.Arg.


Location in our garden



Diasperus buxifolius (Blume) Kuntze

Scepasma buxifolia Blume


Shrubs. An evergreen tree that grows 1-1.5 m. 

Part Used

  • Leaves

Growing Requirements

  • Full Sunshine


  • Wetland


Seligi is native to Indonesia, which has long been traditionally used as a medicine that is often used as a hedge plant. In Indonesia, found in Java to the Lesser Sunda Islands and Kalimantan. 

Vernacular Names




This plant grows in moist soil. Seligi can growwell at a maximum altitude of 2,000 m above sea level.


  • Roots - tap root, with colour light brown.
  • Stems - erect, woody, round, branched,rough surface and brown.
  • Leaves - compound, encircling the stem,shiny, ovate, pointed tip, blunt base, flatedge, and green.
  • Flowers - single, in the axillary of theleaflets, short-stemmed, stamens short andyellow, the pistil is not clear, the crown istubular, the tip is rounded, yellow. 
  • Fruits - round, has 5-6 spaces, 5-10 mm indiameter, still young green, ripe brown. 


Propagate plants by vegetative (stem cuttings)or generative (seeds). 

Chemical Constituents

Flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, saponins,quinones, triterpenoid, steroids, and polyphenols. 

Traditional Medicinal Uses

  • As an immunomodulator and can be used as an analgesic in sprained joints.
  • Reduce pain and swelling in joints.
  • Antiinflammatory and antipyretic.
  • Traditionally used as a pain-relieving drug for treating sprains and rheumatism.

Part Used

Reference Sources

  1. Hastuti, S. and Endrawati, S. (2016). Aktivitas antipiretik ekstrak etil asetat daun seligi (Phyllanthus buxifolius Muell.Arg) pada mencit jantan galur Swiss. Jurnal Biologi Papua 8(1): 1–6.
  2. Zakkia, L.U., Ardani, D.E., Fauzi, S, Adihaningrum, H., and Harismah, K. (2017). Pembuatan Salep Antinyeri dan Antireumatik dari Ekstrak Daun Seligi (Phyllanthus buxifolius). Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek II, pp. 411-413.