Phyllanthus buxifolius (Blume) Müll.Arg.
Location in our garden
Diasperus buxifolius (Blume) Kuntze
Scepasma buxifolia Blume
Shrubs. An evergreen tree that grows 1-1.5 m.
Part Used
- Leaves
Growing Requirements
- Full Sunshine
- Wetland
Seligi is native to Indonesia, which has long been traditionally used as a medicine that is often used as a hedge plant. In Indonesia, found in Java to the Lesser Sunda Islands and Kalimantan.
Vernacular Names
This plant grows in moist soil. Seligi can growwell at a maximum altitude of 2,000 m above sea level.
- Roots - tap root, with colour light brown.
- Stems - erect, woody, round, branched,rough surface and brown.
- Leaves - compound, encircling the stem,shiny, ovate, pointed tip, blunt base, flatedge, and green.
- Flowers - single, in the axillary of theleaflets, short-stemmed, stamens short andyellow, the pistil is not clear, the crown istubular, the tip is rounded, yellow.
- Fruits - round, has 5-6 spaces, 5-10 mm indiameter, still young green, ripe brown.
Propagate plants by vegetative (stem cuttings)or generative (seeds).
Chemical Constituents
Flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, saponins,quinones, triterpenoid, steroids, and polyphenols.
Traditional Medicinal Uses
- As an immunomodulator and can be used as an analgesic in sprained joints.
- Reduce pain and swelling in joints.
- Antiinflammatory and antipyretic.
- Traditionally used as a pain-relieving drug for treating sprains and rheumatism.
Part Used
Reference Sources
- Hastuti, S. and Endrawati, S. (2016). Aktivitas antipiretik ekstrak etil asetat daun seligi (Phyllanthus buxifolius Muell.Arg) pada mencit jantan galur Swiss. Jurnal Biologi Papua 8(1): 1–6.
- Zakkia, L.U., Ardani, D.E., Fauzi, S, Adihaningrum, H., and Harismah, K. (2017). Pembuatan Salep Antinyeri dan Antireumatik dari Ekstrak Daun Seligi (Phyllanthus buxifolius). Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek II, pp. 411-413.