Split-Leaf Cyclanthus
Cylanthus bipartitus Poit. ex A.Rich.
Location in our garden
Cyclanthus bifolius Perr.
Cyclanthus cristatus Klotzsch
Discanthus odoratus Spruce
Herbaceous. A stemless perennial plant, often forming dense clumps of bifid leaves 50 - 100cm or more, grow 1 - 3 m tall
Part Used
- Leaves
- The Whole Plant
Growing Requirements
- Full Sunshine
- Need Shade
- Forest
The native range of this species is Mexico (Chiapas) to Tropical America. It is a perennial and grows primarly in the Wet Tropical biome(s). The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and body ornament. It is sometimes cultivated in Ecuador, where it is valued for the pleasing fragrance of the flowers. The fragrance produced by this flower has been used as an ingredient in making perfumes. C. bipartitus also has unique leaves and flowers, so it can be an attraction to be planted as an ornamental plant.
Vernacular Names
No data found on this. Need further research.
Found growing in forests, especially along the sides of streams, wet forests, at elevations up to 1,400 m in Costa Rica. Outdoors in the garden, Cyclanthus can grow in part sun or full shade. How much sun it can handle is largely determined by how high the humidity is. Does best in rich, well-drained soil but is adaptable. Won’t tolerate waterlogged soils or prolonged dry periods.
- Leaves - spirally arranged, leaves branched or split or sometimes whole, emerges from the base of the plant, can grow to about 1 m in length, green. Leaves lanceolate linear to falcate, with wavy edges but not pleated, stemmed, leaf tips pointed (acute), leaf base attenuate (leaf tissue tapering down the petiole to a narrow base, always having some fleshy leaves on both sides of the petiole), has parallel venation with a well-defined central vein. When ripe, the leaves split from the apex into two lobes. The petiole is cylindrical, light green in color, bifurcated to make the leaves look like rabbit ears.
- Flowers - forms a ringed pyramid like structure and produces an aroma comparable to cinnamon and vanilla. Stamina flowers with stamens arranged in whorls, usually 4, fused with threads, pistil flowers with rings belonging to the common ovary cavity. The staminode consists of funneled gills with sterile anthers. The inflorescence emerges from the ground, covered with a faint yellow bract, consisting of disc-like sections.
- Fruits - berries.
- Seeds - small, about 1.0 mm long and 0.7 mm in diameter. Seeds are urceolate, tapering to be more elongated.
Propagated by seeds and root split.
Chemical Constituents
No data found on this. Need further research.
Traditional Medicinal Uses
The plant is used in the treatment of snake bites and cataracts.
Part Used
Reference Sources
- Fern, Ken. Useful Tropical Plant. 2022. Cyclanthus bipartitus. http://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Cyclanthus+bipartitus. 29-08-22.
- National Parks. Flora & Fauna Web. 2021. Cyclanthus bipartitus. https://www.nparks.gov.sg/florafaunaweb/flora/1/9/1916. 29-08-22.
- Oxley Nursery. 2020. Split-Leaf Cyclanthus. https://www.oxleynursery.com.au/plant-profiles/shrubs-foliage-plants/split-leaf-cyclanthus/. 29-08-22.
- Royal Botanic Gardens. Palnt of the World Online: Cyclanthus bipartitus Poit. ex A.Rich. https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/30336798-2. 29-08-2022.
- Hortipedia.com. Cyclanthus bipartitus. https://en.hortipedia.com/Cyclanthus_bipartitus#/Flowers_and_Fruit. 29-08-2022.
- Leal E. S., Forzza R. C. 2012. Cyclanthaceae no estado do Pará, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 26(4): 822-835. 2012.